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National Livestock and Milching Championship 2015


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Sri Muktsar Sahib

To popularize and promote livestock breeding, horse breeding and equestrian sports, the Department of Animal Husbandry, Punjab is going to organize National Livestock Championship – 2015 Mukatsar on the auspicious occasion of Maghi Mela at Sri Mukatsar Sahib.
National Livestock Championship– 2015 Mukatsar will be held at Guru Gobind Singh Stadium, Sri Mukatsar Sahib city from 08th – 12th Jan. 2015. All the participants are requested to arrive at the venue one day earlier, so that the registration and other formalities are completed in time.
LOCATION The Stadium is located on the premises of Guru Gobind Singh College, Sri Mukatsar Sahib.
MOVEMENT OF ANIMALS Due to Maghi Mela, there is heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the town throughout the day. It is, therefore essential that horses and other animals be moved carefully to and from the camping area.
CLIMATE The climate in January is cold. Livestock owners are advised to bring Jhuls / blankets to protect animals from cold weather. All participating animals must be vaccinated for H.S and F.M.D
i) The camp will be located adjacent to the stadium. The Camp will become operational one day before and will close one day after the conclusion of the show.
ii) Cows, Buffaloes, Bulls, Horses, riders, breeders, attendants/grooms/ferriers coming for participation in National Livestock Championship– 2015, Mukatsar will stay in the camping area.
iii) The camp in-charge will earmark site for the participants and their animals.
iv) The participants will be provided messing arrangements. Green fodder for their animals will be provided in the camping area.
LIGHTING Although power / light will be provided under camp arrangements, all the participants are requested to bring their own Hurricane Lanterns/ Petromax Lamps for emergency use.
DISCIPLINE All the participants staying in the camp will be under the camp in-charge for the purpose of discipline.
SECURITY All the participants will ensure highest level of security of men, materials, animals and stores during stay at the camp.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS All the participants are required to undertake precautions in their respective areas and tents to prevent occurrence of any fire related accident.
SANITATION AND HYGEINE All participants should observe proper sanitation and hygienic measures. There should be proper disposal of litter at designated dumping zone.
MEDICAL ASSISTANCE Medical assistance will be provided at the camp site and competition area.
VETERINARY ASSISTANCE Veterinary assistance will be available at the Camp site and competition area. Participants should bring their own ferriers, shoes, nails, etc.
INSURANCE Will be the responsibility and under the arrangement of participants.
RESPONSIBILITY The organizing committee accepts no responsibility for any injury or loss to exhibit/competitor through accident or any other cause. Neither the organizers nor the doctor on duty will be held responsible for the consequences of the first aid or other medical treatment given to any injured animal, horse/rider/groom etc. Participants will transport animals at their own risk.
STICKS AND WHIPS Long whips are not permitted but a short whip less than 75 cms. long can be used to control the horses. Any form of beating of horse, punishment and brutality to animal will lead to disqualification & elimination of the competitor.
SHOW NUMBERS Each entry (animal) will be allotted a show number. This show number will be the same for every class in which the animal participates. The number will be displayed when the animals move out of the camping area.
DRESS CODE Civilian participants / exhibitors must wear turban/hat for safety. All the riders from police/ cadets/students must wear their mounted uniforms for participating in display of martial arts / trick riding and equestrian events.
COGGIN’S & MALLEIN TEST All participating horses must possess negative Glander’s test ( CFT test or Mallein test ). All horse owners must be in possession of negative Coggin’s test report for EIA ( National Research centre on Equines, Hissar or Central Military Vet Lab, Merrut ). Validity of test report should be of minimum 15 days on arrival and exit of horses from the camp. No horse will be allowed inside the camping area without valid test report certificates.
HEALTH CERTIFICATE All participating horses, bulls, cows, buffaloes etc. must possess Health Certificate from competent authority.
(a) There is no entry fee.
(b ) All Entries will be on the entry form attached as Appendix II and should reach Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry cum incharge Registration committee in the Show Office by 17:00 hrs on 07th Jan 2015.
© No late entry will be allowed on any day of competitions.

CANCELLATION: The Organizing Committee may cancel any class which has less than four entries, or for any reason entirely at their discretion.
All animals will report to the Collecting Ring Steward half an hour before the time of judging of the class. Any entry not reporting in time will be eliminated unless the exhibitor shows good cause for the delay. The Ring Steward has full authority to take disciplinary action.

PRIZES : Certificates, Rosettes & Cash prizes will be awarded to winners of first fifteen positions for winners animals.


(A) Participation is open to Indian nationals / animals from all states of India and animals from Punjab State, including winners and finalists of Punjab State District Livestock Championship & Milking Competitions - 2014.
(B ) Animals from Punjab state and other states will participate jointly in competitions.
© Winner animals of these competitions will compete for championship trophy.
(D) After the result of a particular category is announced, the owner will take his winning animal ( Ist three positions in each event ) to a designated stall for photograph and permanent marking with mandatory RIFD Tags for identification. In case of dispute, that very animal can be identified with hand held scanner.
(E) Refusal on part of owner to refuse injection of RIFD Tag or scanning will result in disqualification of the winning animal / loss of award and certificate. In such case next eligible animal will be selected for award.
(F) Tent pegging Team - open event will be conducted as per (Equestrian Federation of India) EFI rules.
(G) The organizing committee will nominate the panel of judges who are experts in the field of livestock
breeding, livestock management, medicine and surgery. Judges for races and Tent pegging will be
sourced from Punjab Equestrian Association.
(H) The decision of the jury will be final.
(I) The organizing committee will cancel any class, which has less than four entries or for any other reason at their discretion.
a) Objections may only be lodged by the owner who has signed the entry form.

b ) The objections must be lodged within half an hour of the result announced.
c) The appeal committee’s verdict will be final and binding to all participants.
d) A deposit of Rs 5000/- for large animals and races, Rs 2000/- for small animals must accompany
each objection in regard to any matter during the competitions.
a) All correspondence should be addressed to the Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry cum incharge Registration
committee, Mukatsar
b ) The organizing committee can add any new class / competition at their discretion.
c) The organizing committee can cancel any class, which has less than four entries or for any other reason at their
d) The number of prizes can be increased or decreased as per decision of judges in a particular class.
e) Questions not provided for : Should any questions arise not provided for, it must be referred to the Appeal
committee whose decisions will be final.
f) Scheduling time and entries are subject to alteration at the discretion of the organizing committee.


S.No Animal Age

1 Stallion ( > 2 pairs of P. teeth)

2 Mare Any age

3 Colt / Filly up to 2 pairs of permanent incisors

4 Foal / Filly all 3 pairs of milk teeth present

(i) In case of foal / filly, if Ist permanent incisor has erupted but milk teeth is also present, than the
foal / filly will be judged in milk teeth class.
(ii) In case of foal / filly, if the milk teeth is shed and permanent tooth has not erupted yet, than the foal / filly will be adjudged in next class i.e two P. teeth class.
(iii) In case of colt / filly, if IIIrd permanent incisor has erupted but milk teeth is also present, than the
colt / filly will be judged in two P. teeth class.
(iv) In case of colt / filly, if the milk teeth is shed and IIIrd permanent tooth has not erupted yet, than
the colt / filly will be adjudged in next class i.e Stallion / Mare class.
(v) If a filly shows any visible signs of pregnancy, then that filly will be adjudged in mare class irrespective of age as per dentition.

Buffalo : Murrah / Nili Ravi

S.No Animal Age

1 Buffalo Bull ( > 2 pairs of P. teeth)

2 Buffaloes Any age

3 Young Bull up to 2 pairs of permanent incisors

4 Heifer up to 2 pairs of permanent incisors

5 Young Heifer milk teeth - kheeri

Cows :
S.No Animal Age

1 Sahiwal / Indigenous Cow Bull ( > 2 pairs of P. teeth)

2 Sahiwal / Indigenous Cow, HF cross cow, Jersey cross cow Any age

3 Heifer up to 2 pairs of permanent incisors

4 Young Heifer milk teeth - kheeri

(i) If a buffalo heifer / cow heifer is non pregnant, it will be adjudged as per its dentition.
(ii) If a buffalo heifer / cow heifer shows any visible signs of pregnancy, then that heifer will be adjudged in buffalo / cow class irrespective of age as per dentition.

Sheep, Goat, Pig, Poultry :
S.No Sheep, Goat, Pig, Poultry Age

1 Sheep, Goat 2 pairs of permanent teeth and above

2 Boar (Male Pig) Adult > 2 yr

3 Sow > 14 months - with Litter

4 Cock (Aseel), Duck, Poultry One yr

Dog Breed Competitions :
About 30 breed competitions of different categories of dog breeds will be conducted. In each category male and female dogs will be adjudged together. A minimum of five entries are necessary for each competition.
The organizing committee may cancel any class, which has less than five entries.
No. of prizes may be increased or decreased depending upon the number of entries in each breed competition. Final number and amount of prize money will be the sole discretion of organizing committee and judges.

Horse Dance & Decoration Competition : open to horses of either sex / any age

Camel Dance & Decoration Competition : open to camels of either sex / any age

Horse Flat Race and Rabia Chaal :
(i) Open to indigenous breed / half bred horses of either sex / age only.
(ii) No Indian Through bred horse can participate in Flat race.
(iii) Individual race time will be taken.
(iv) Race will be conducted on 400 meter track ( Quarter Mile race )
(v) Before start of race, all the horses will be held at a specified holding area for two hours to check any misuse of drugs / doping.
(vi) No whips are allowed during any race.
Ferrier Competition : open to serving / retired / private ferries.
Equestrian Events – tent Pegging :
i) All entries will be on the entry form attached as Appendix II and will be as per the E.F.I technical guidelines.
ii) In the Tent Pegging event, the minimum age requirement of a rider is 16 years.
iii) In case of young riders (16 - 18 yrs), entry form will be submitted along with a copy of the birth certificate, duly attested by the Principal of the School or the Institution the rider is attending. In case of any objection, original birth certificate / matriculation certificate will have to be produced before Appeal Committee.
Entry Fee: There is no entry fees.
All entries should reach Show Office by 17:00 hrs on 07th Jan 2015.


(a) Transfer and Substitutions:
A horse may be allowed and transferred from one class to another class considering genuine reasons.
A horse once entered in any event cannot be substituted by another horse for any reason
what so ever.
(B ) Change of Riders:
Riders cannot be changed unless the Jury accepts that there are sufficient reasons for change of riders.
Once a class has started being judged, no change of rider will be accepted.

All animals will report to the Collecting Ring Steward half an hour before the time of judging of the class. Any entry not reporting in time will be eliminated unless the exhibitor shows good cause for the delay. The Ring Steward has full authority to take disciplinary action.


(i) The spectators or the supporters of the participants are not to interfere with the Judges.

(ii) The Arena Steward has the right to eliminate any participant who has outside help.

(iii) Once the event has commenced, all spectators and helpers are to clear the arena.

(iv) The Judges’ decision will be final. Supporters must not enter the arena or dispute the decision or directly confront the Judges.


All Contingents of Participating teams are required to bring their outfit’s Flag to be displayed prominently during the show. The flag must be handed over to the Show Office, no later than by 17:00 hrs on 07th Jan 2015.

(i) All participants for the National Livestock Championship – 2015 are required to present their horses ( Tent Pegging event ) for Veterinary Inspection (Trotting Parade) at 14:30 hrs on 09 Jan, 2015 in the competition grounds.
(ii) Horses taking part in Rabia chaal and Flat race will be trotted before the start of respective competition at race track.
a) Participation is open to Indian nationals and horses.
b ) The events will be conducted & adjudged as per rules of EFI ( Equestrian Federation of India ) and FEI ( Federation Equestre Internationale, Switzerland )
c) The organizing committee will nominate the panel of judges from EFI who are experts in the field of Equestrian sports.
d) The decision of the jury will be final.
e) The organizing committee will cancel any class, which has less than four entries or for any other reason at their discretion.
f) All Entries are restricted to only two per rider, in each event.

Appendix I
S.No Name of Event Age
1 Best Stallion – Nukra ( > 2 pairs of P. teeth) 1
2 Best Mare - Nukra ( Any Age ) 2
3 Best Colt - Nukra (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 3
4 Best Filly - Nukra (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 4
5 Best Foal - Nukra (all 3 pairs of Milk teeth present) 5
6 Best Filly - Nukra (all 3 pairs of Milk teeth present) 6
7 Best Stallion – Marwari ( > 2 pairs of P. teeth) 7
8 Best Mare – Marwari ( Any Age ) 8
9 Best Colt - Marwari (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 9
10 Best Filly - Marwari (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 10
11 Best Foal - Marwari (all 3 pairs of Milk teeth present) 11
12 Best Filly - Marwari (all 3 pairs of Milk teeth present) 12
13 Best Adult Bull – Murrah ( > 2 pairs of P. teeth) 13
14 Best Young Bull – Murrah (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 14
15 Best Buffalo -- In milk Murrah ( any age ) 15
16 Best Buffalo -- Dry Murrah ( any age ) 16
17 Best Heifer – Murrah (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 17
18 Best Young Heifer - Murrah Breed ( milk teeth - kheeri ) 18
19 Best Adult Bull – Nili Ravi ( > 2 pairs of P. teeth) 19
20 Best Young Bull – Nili Ravi (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 20
21 Best Buffalo In milk – Nili Ravi ( any age ) 21
22 Best Buffalo Dry – Nili Ravi ( any age ) 22
23 Best Heifer – Nili Ravi (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 23
24 Best Young Heifer – Nili Ravi ( milk teeth - kheeri ) 24
25 Best Cow – In milk HF Cross ( any age ) 25
26 Best Cow – Dry HF Cross ( any age ) 26
27 Best Heifer – HF Cross (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 27
28 Best Heifer – HF Cross (milk teeth - kheeri) 28
29 Best Cow – Jersey Cross ( any age ) 29
30 Best Heifer – Jersey Cross (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 30
31 Best Adult Cow Bull – Sahiwal ( > 2 pairs of P. teeth) 31
32 Best Cow – Sahiwal ( any age ) 32
33 Best Heifer – Sahiwal (upto 2 pairs of P. teeth) 33
34 Best Buck – Beetal breed (2 pairs of permanent teeth and above) 34
35 Best Doe – Beetal breed (2 pairs of permanent teeth and above) 35
36 Best Buck – Barberi breed (2 pairs of permanent teeth and above) 36
37 Best Doe – Barberi breed (2 pairs of permanent teeth and above) 37
38 Best Ram – Indian breed (2 pairs of permanent teeth and above) 38
39 Best Ewe – Indian breed (2 pairs of permanent teeth and above) 39
40 Best Boar – Large White Yorkshire (Adult - > 2 yr ) 40
41 Best Sow – Large White Yorkshire ( > 14 months - with Litter ) 41
42 Best Domestic Fowl – Aseel ( 1 yr ) 42
43 Best Turkey ( 1 yr ) 43
44 Best Duck / Geese ( 1 yr ) 44
45 Milking Competition Buffalo – Murrah In milk ( > 15 Kg per day ) 45
46 Milking Competition Buffalo – Nili Ravi In milk ( > 12 Kg per day ) 46
47 Milking Competition Cows – HF Cross In milk ( > 30 Kg per day ) 47
48 Milking Competition Cows – Jersey Cross with Indig. Cattle In milk ( > 15 Kg per day ) 48
49 Milking Competition Cows – Sahiwal In milk ( > 10 Kg per day ) 49
50 Milking Competition Goats – Indian breed In milk ( > 2:5 Kg per day ) 50
51 Horse Dance & Decoration Competition Any age 51
52 Camel Dance & Decoration Competition Any age 52
53 Horse Rabia Chaal Any age 53
54 Horse Flat Race Any age 54
55 Ferrier Competition Open to serving / private ferriers 55
56 Tent Pegging Team - Open Open 56
57 Equine family animals : Mules / donkey / pony Any age 57
58 Dog Breeds Competitions Adult dogs 58


S.No Competitions Dates
1 Breed competitions for dogs 08th Jan, 2015
2 Breed competitions for horses / buffaloes / cows / small animals / poultry : 08th - 11th Jan, 2015
3 Milk yield competitions of buffalos, cows & goats 09th - 11th Jan, 2015
4 Horse Rabia Chaal
09th Jan, 2015
5 Horse Flat race, Tent Pegging Team
10th Jan, 2015
6 Horse / Camel dance & Decoration Competitions
11th Jan 2015
7 National Championship Competitions
12th Jan, 2015
8 Seminars on cattle / buffalo breeding, horse management, piggery, sheep and goat rearing 09th - 11th Jan, 2015
9 Exhibitions, Shobha yatra, Joy Rides, Martial Arts, Tent pegging, Trick Riding by Nihang Singhs, Punjab Police, B.S.F, PPS Nabha students, Folk dances and Cultural events
08th - 12th Jan, 2015

( Prizes worth 1,25,00000 /- will be distributed to winners of different competitions listed above.)
Winners of livestock competitions will compete for National Livestock Championship trophy.

S.No Title Champion Ist Runner up IInd Runner up
1 Champion Stallion Rs 200000 Rs 150000 Rs 100000
2 Champion Mare Rs 200000 Rs 150000 Rs 100000
3 Champion Bull Rs 200000 Rs 150000 Rs 100000
4 Champion Buffalo Rs 200000 Rs 150000 Rs 100000
5 Champion Cow Rs 200000 Rs 150000 Rs 100000


National Livestock and Milching Championship 2015


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